Blog Entry #6 Summertime Is the Best Time!

     Summertime is the best time of year. To a lot of people, summertime means no school. This is not the case in my books because I take summer classes. During the summer I tend to do the summer activities like going to the lake, pool parties, barbeques, and traveling. 

    Having school during the summer can be hard but I have managed to move my time around to fit all of my activities. Currently, I work 40 hours a week, so I plan ahead for school assignments. I do the same thing during summer because like life work never stops for me. I like to manage my time with a calendar app I share with my mom and sister. This app allows us to post events and see them. During the summer we even add our lake days. School and keeping good grades do not stop me from enjoying the Arizona heat with fun activities.

    Going to the lake is one of my favorite things to do during the summer because of the boat days and the jet skis. These days are fun because we wake up early and are on the water all day long. Coming home with sunburns isn't as fun but I learned over the years that sunscreen and coconut oil help soothe and heal sunburns. 

    I have a very large family so during the summer something we like to do as a family is at home barbeques and pool parties. These parties normally fall at my house, and we tend to make steaks or burgers. Having everyone hang out by the pool is so much fun and it is a great way to stay cool during the summer. 

    Summertime is a great time and probably my second favorite time of the year. Having all this family time and these adventures makes up for the intense heat. 


  1. Hello, I enjoy the summer as well, but mine is far less stressful than yours. I think it's incredible that you put the time and effort to do work, school, and make time for leisure during your weeks in the summer. I haven't been to a lake in this state, but would visit others when I was out of town. I got some pretty bad sunburns over the years but didn't realize that coconut oil can help as well.

  2. I'm also a big fan of summer. Not the heat, but it's a break from school for myself and the kids which makes my schedule way less hectic. We don't tend to do anything fun outdoors like you've described but we can hide away indoors and avoid the heat and sunburns. We tend to do things like travel, parties and spending time with family during winter though so I'm looking forward to that in the upcoming months.


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